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Within the Trust Framework, it is possible to explicitly provide instructions on how a service may be consumed or under which conditions data is exchanged. These instructions or conditions are called 'licenses'. Licenses are a crucial part of the Framework, because they provide its participants the possibility to clearly state what is and what is not allowed. Since all participants are bound to the same contract and underlying scheme rules, participants can appeal to each other to follow the provided licenses.

Additions to the licenses are proposed in the Change Advisory Board and processed after approval. This is part of the Change Management Process. 

License code list

Purpose code



No limitations


Re-sharing with Adhering Parties only


Internal use only


Non-commercial use only: licensee may not use the data to generate revenue


Licensee may enrich received data with own data before re-sharing


Licensee may enrich received data with data of others before re-sharing


Licensee may enrich received data with own data before re-sharing on a non-commercial basis


Licensee may enrich received data with data of others before re-sharing on a non-commercial basis


As determined between Parties

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