Service levels for Certified Parties/Satellite

This part of the iSHARE Trust Framework is considered normative and is therefore compliant with RFC 2119.

For Certified Parties, the following service levels apply:


Availability is a measure of the time a service is in a functioning condition. It includes the availability window and the maintenance window.

Availability window

The availability window includes the times at which Satellite/Certified Party guarantees the availability of their service.

Norm: 24 hours * all days of the year

Minimum level required: 99% availability* per calendar month, from 00:00-23:59h

*Planned maintenance does NOT count as unavailability

Maintenance window

The maintenance window includes the times at which Satellite/Certified Party can perform planned maintenance, that is likely to result in downtime, to their service(s). If no downtime is expected, maintenance can take place outside of the maintenance window. Planned maintenance does NOT include incident resolution, as this can take place outside the maintenance window as described under incidents.


  • The maintenance window includes the nights from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday, from 00:00-5.59h;

  • Maintenance MUST be announced to the impacted parties directly as well as to the Scheme Owner**;

  • Announcements MUST be made at least 10 working days before the maintenance and MUST include date, time, and impacted service(s).

**The Scheme Owner presents an overview of its own and Certified Parties' current and planned maintenance on its website.



  • The maintenance window includes the nights from Friday to Saturday and from Saturday to Sunday, from 00:00-5.59h;

  • Maintenance MUST be announced to the impacted parties directly as well as to the Satellite/Scheme Owner**;

  • Announcements MUST be made at least 10 working days before the maintenance and MUST include date, time, and impacted service(s).

**The Satellite presents an overview of its own and Certified Parties' current and planned maintenance on its website


An incident is an event, not part of the standard service operation, that results in a potential impact or risk with regards to the quality, availability, confidentiality and/or integrity of (data within) the iSHARE Trust Framework. This ONLY includes the data used for identification, authentication and authorisation purposes in the context of data exchange, but not the contents of the actual data exchange.

Three classifications of incidents are recognised within iSHARE, as explained in the incident management process:

  • Minor incident;

  • Calamity;

  • Crisis.


  • All incidents MUST be communicated by the Satellite/Certified Party(ies) to the Scheme Owner/Satellite directly after they are discovered;

  • Communication MUST include date, time, incident level as estimated by the Satellite/Certified Party(ies), argumentation including impacted service(s), and a potential incident manager;

  • In case of a calamity or crisis, the Satellite/Certified Party MUST have an incident manager available during working days, and SHOULD have an incident manager available 24 * 7;

  • An update on the incident MUST be communicated to the Satellite/Scheme Owner*:

    • For minor incidents, at the end of each working day;

    • For calamities, within 2 hours of every significant update and at the end of each working day;

    • For crises, within 2 hours of every significant update and every 4 hours.

  • All incidents SHOULD be handled by the Satellite/Certified Party (in cooperation with the Scheme Owner/Satellite as per the

  • incident management process) within 3 working days after being appointed as the responsible party - unless agreed otherwise.

*In line with the incident management process, the Scheme Owner/Satellite presents an overview of current calamities and crises on its website


Support by Satellite includes answering questions and requests from Adhering and Certified Parties.

Norm: Satellite is available for support via e-mail; they MUST confirm receiving a question/request within 1 working day. They SHOULD send an underpinned reaction (with an answer/solution or at the very least a direction) within 5 working days.

Support by Certified Party includes answering questions and requests from Adhering Parties.

Norm: Certified Parties are available for support via e-mail; they MUST confirm receiving a question/request within 1 working day. They SHOULD send an underpinned reaction (with an answer/solution or at the very least a direction) within 5 working days.


Reports are meant to monitor both compliance to the service level agreements and the (growing) use of the iSHARE network, as described in the management reporting process. The following will be reported on (non-exhaustive):

Certified party




Number of relations with Adhering Parties


Only if operating standalone (disconnected from the distributed ledger)

Number of transactions



Number of transactions per Adhering Party



Number of incidents.



Satellite/Certified Parties are expected to collect management information about each month: 0:00h on the first day to 23:59h on the last.

Norm: each Certified Party/Satellite MUST deliver the management information about the last month, conform the iSHARE template, before 23:59h on the 5th working day of the current month

Last updated